Thursday, March 4, 2010


Really (there's my sanity word again) no "really"... I am so done. The only phrase I could think of or got stuck on was "put a fork in me cuz I'm done!" I thought about "I'm ready" but that SO does not do my intense overwhelming feeling of doneness at all justice!
So here I am at the beginning of 36 weeks and feeling every symptom known to pregnancy in addition to getting over a stomach bug (at least I lost 4.5 lbs with it!) and soooo ready to meet this child or shall I say in a nice way ...get him the hec out of me!
I thought last night was it for sure. Woke up with tremendous pressure in my thighs and abdomen in addition to the back labor (But I have had back labor for wks already), I had really bad cramps like menstrual cramps. Ahhh but no luck, kids still in me and I was just out one more night of sleep. I know I have been complaining of being ready since month 5 but I mean it this time. I get winded after walking five steps. AND Dude I can't even lean over a quarter of the way without feeling pain, dizzy-faint and creating an instant headache. I mean its the most clutsy time in my life so I am always dropping something and have to pick it up---ARGHH!
Not to mention still picking up after the old lab (dog) of ours-My first son! One of the reasons I haven't written in so long. We finally broke down and took him to the vet who happens to be his breeder and guess what ....freakin 14 1/2 yr old laborador got a reprieve! He is not in pain Doc said, "he's just old with arthritis". Grreat so I am picking up poop and pee just as I would if the kid was here-good practice huh?! No really I love Hud so I am earning my patience badge and prepping but I am overjoyed that Jr will get to meet the best dog in the world ever! I am actually honored to clean up after him since he has brought me and my husband and soo many of our friends and family joy all these years. Heehee can u tell I am more sappy over my dog then my kid! Well once the human kid gets here I am sure I will love him as much as I love my canine kids but hey they were first!
Another reason I have not written in a while...I had a freakin birthday and besides physically feeling eck, I became emotionally ECK! Yup 35 years old... sucks. Got out of really having to celebrate tho because one of my baby showers was that weekend so it was all about my big fat belly instead of my years :( ;) Got some great stuff but duplicates out the wazoo. I mean these stores really need to keep up with their registries. I had registered for two of a few items but to get four of that item? Come on... and here I am two weeks away from giving birth having to tote all this stuff back and forth to return/exchange and btw the specialty store happens to be like 40 minutes away!!!
Yeah you heard me ...he is coming early the dr said last week. YAY for me! And he is done too! Dr says he's already 6 lbs and will probably come out about 8 lbs and early at about 37 wks. Fortunately I have everything ready! All that nesting had me prepping the nursery with paint and stuff long before the official third trimester began heehee! Our hospital bags are even packed! Now, thanks to a great friend the crib and changing table are up, the baby clothes laundered (in Dreft of course) as well as baby's crib sheets and pack-n-play sheets cleaned and beds are made, tons of formula and diapers-thanks to some more great friends, bottles, pacifiers and nipples sanitized-yes I boiled them! Set up the video monitor system. Wow thats a whole other story dude really this voyeurism could become addicting television! I practiced with the dogs on nightvision!
What am I missing? I think thats it but let me know if you think of something. I am out of work at home now so I just may have time to write again...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Is it time yet?

Misery loves company or NOT...
Sorry its been so long ...but you should be grateful. I figured I should wallow in my misery alone as it is my misery! Really no its been great as of late! NOT! Yes people still say "not"! I am so sarcastic due to this misery I just can't help it but the negativity is a flowing. So here is my latest and greatest since its been over a month we have so more time...misery... to catch up on!
My kid likes to poke his knee out my right side and makes my belly skin stretch even more. No I am not exaggerating ...To the point that my Publix cashier made a comment! Yeah that's my kid! And I wasn't wearing a tight shirt either!
Everyone says get your sleep now before the baby comes. Yeah well I would if I could but you see my darling son is a night owl, well he used to be. Now he loves to destroy my insides all day and all night long. So not only do I miss out on naps but also my treasured 4 hours he was letting me get.
You want me to drink all of that in 5 minutes...
GEEZ really I have tasted worse but come on five minutes is ridiculous. Yup you guessed it, I had my sugar/glucose test! Funny thing is my sugar is normal but I have become anemic. SHOCKER I know but as I am aware that the normalcy of this is painful I still can't believe that my sugar is fine and its something else thats wrong. Yup one more freakin pill to take in the day and geez one more thing to make sure I am eating proper proportions of! By the way I guess that was not an old wive's son goes nuts in the womb when there is the smell of meat around -even raw meat. I guess that explains it-his craving + my craving=I am anemic. So now I eat a handful of strawberries or drink a full glass of V8 with my iron pill oh shoot that reminds gotta go take todays!
And the best part is yet to come...
Or so they say anyway...
Dude really is it time yet? URGHH I can not believe I am so ready to have this baby ALREADY! Everyone laughs and says hang in there you got two more months well now lets see technically I have 1 1/2 months to go and hey I have done pretty darn good this last 3 1/2 wks my husband has been away on business in India. Yeah I said husband is not only in a foreign country while I am 8 mos preggers, he is in freakin INDIA...for three weeks! Since he has been there they have had 2 major terrorists threats and lord only knows what else he isn't telling me so I don't worry. Besides the fact our older dog the lab is on his last leg, no really I mean that literally, he has given up walking pretty much. I think I have handled things pretty damn well. (Exception: had to give up vacuuming cuz it hurts like hell but its driving me even madder!)
Thank goodness for my parents and a friend who has made me dinners and even best hung out with me to eat them! Thats the worst part for me. I hate eating alone. So I will manage as my mantra has been...hanging in there!
Although I swear this kid is gonna be early (and no I am not willing it like some may say) I beleive the best part is yet to come ...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Am I the only one?

Am I the only one who feels all of this? So did anyone ever feel like your kid is really pulling-with both hands-on the umbilical cord? I mean there is no other explanation but that! AND how about Braxton Hicks? I know I am only 24 wks/6 months but guess what?? Yup I cant believe this. Well maybe a girl would have been easier!

So upset I found this book just now but you gotta read -its the best- The Real Deal Guide to Pregnancy! According to the book, I am not the only one who is leaking...that's all I will say about that!

My other drama...I am considering not going back to work after baby is born now that this may be an I the only one who thinks this may suck? I mean if we can afford not to, will I lose my sanity or the little left of it? How about my independence? I feel guilty as it is that my husband makes more money than me!! Am I the only one who would be uncomfortable not earning my own money? "Work part time" sure easy for "them" to say when they can do whatever "they" want! I just discovered the cheapest daycare around here is 225/wk! Am I the only one who thinks thats absurd? Now I know what some of my already mommy girlfriends were talking about. I mean really their entire paycheck goes into daycare-that just would not make sense! Would I miss my spending sprees or feel more guilty about them? Well actually I really don't have spending sprees so I guess they won't be missed! And what happens if I want to go back to work? Will it be too late to get an infant into daycare and what about work? In this economy I am super appreciative to have a job in the first place. Or is waiting till he is in school too long to be out of the workforce? This is so confusing! Am I the only one?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Spider Veins and Martial Arts

Swell, just that i finally feel better (only cuz I am used to the feeling crappy and other weird body things by now) I have swelling in my feet that is so bad it has given cause to EVERYone to call me Betty Flinstone, I now have skintags all over my freakin body in the weirdest places of course and I have spider veins that look like my legs are gonna burst one day and then they are gone the next! BY THE WAY no one or no book ever says it but spider veins hurt dude-really they do like a big bad bruise!

At first the drs were concerned the swelling was preclampsia and I was in and out of the dr offices for two wks bloodwork and yada yada b/c no one has ever seen someone swell like this at such an early stage in their pregnancy unless they had gestational diabetes or preclampsia. Well well well WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

Oh yeah I can get used to this too but the good thing about these days and the Second Trimester for me...I feel my son moving. I mean no more gassy stomach aches or feeling him swim (flutters) around in there! This is real movements like specific punches to my chest or kicks to my bladder! Ergo my son is a black belt in karate already! Sometimes I will admit I ask him very nicely to stop kicking his mother but then sometimes I end up yelling at him to stop because dude it really hurts! By the way have I mentioned my pain threshold has always been pretty damn great? Yeah never screamed or even cried with the 4 spinal taps or when I broke my arm and the bone was sticking out!

Till now that is...put a 1/2 pounder the length of a carrot in your belly and see how u feel!!! I have said to well very close friends and a couple family members (for if it were anyoneelse it may have been taken the wrong way!) this kid better come out worshipping his mother and the ground she walks on! Really the most beautiful experience of my life!!

Gotta Potty

So first let me apologize for the lack in updates to the blog-been a little busy!
First things first...Had the amniocentisis (sp?) baby is fine and normal results YAY but Secondly found out I got a bladder issue. Poor baby couldn't even move around in there because my bladder was so full and not to mention they could barely see the baby. I told them I was having problems but thought it was normal pregnancy bladder isssues! They-the doctor and nurse freaked out and yes I had to be cathetirized so my bladder could be drained since I wasn't able to drain it on my own! Pleasant huh?! Since my bladder disease (IC) has kicked into full gear I now have to measure my urine in the am as if I was in my eighties or something. And then there's this little other problem well...see the next blog for more on that!
and before I go...IT'S A BOY!! YAY!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

For those of you just joining me...

Please read the previous posts in order to get a better understanding and fully grasp the reality of pregnancy-at least my pregnancy (AND LYAO)-starting with the post titled "Oh boy..."!!!!!
UPDATE: WK 15 almost thru it 2nd Trimester here I come oops I mean here WE come...
Amnio scheduled for the 26th. Nailbiting I know but if you have advice and have been thru it pls advise!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dinosaur Feet...

I wish someone would have warned me about this. I was told about everything from flatulence to stretchmarks but not this...Even your feet grow. YUP! you read that right! My feet are a complete half size bigger and still stretching/growing! The swelling I always heard was the worst but let me say this "the like athlete foot feeling of itchy hot feet is nothing compared to this and I am not on my feet all day!" I now have huge dinosaur looking feet...swollen red and larggggggggeeeeeeee...I mean large not like clown feet...I really mean it...dinosaur size!
So basically there are only two pairs of shoes left in my closet I can wear these days. AND thank God I live in Florida cuz they are flops! Guess I will have to buy some toe socks for the two cold days of the year down here but i am not buying more shoes-its bad enough I have to buy more clothes to fit my fat - - - !