Monday, December 14, 2009

Am I the only one?

Am I the only one who feels all of this? So did anyone ever feel like your kid is really pulling-with both hands-on the umbilical cord? I mean there is no other explanation but that! AND how about Braxton Hicks? I know I am only 24 wks/6 months but guess what?? Yup I cant believe this. Well maybe a girl would have been easier!

So upset I found this book just now but you gotta read -its the best- The Real Deal Guide to Pregnancy! According to the book, I am not the only one who is leaking...that's all I will say about that!

My other drama...I am considering not going back to work after baby is born now that this may be an I the only one who thinks this may suck? I mean if we can afford not to, will I lose my sanity or the little left of it? How about my independence? I feel guilty as it is that my husband makes more money than me!! Am I the only one who would be uncomfortable not earning my own money? "Work part time" sure easy for "them" to say when they can do whatever "they" want! I just discovered the cheapest daycare around here is 225/wk! Am I the only one who thinks thats absurd? Now I know what some of my already mommy girlfriends were talking about. I mean really their entire paycheck goes into daycare-that just would not make sense! Would I miss my spending sprees or feel more guilty about them? Well actually I really don't have spending sprees so I guess they won't be missed! And what happens if I want to go back to work? Will it be too late to get an infant into daycare and what about work? In this economy I am super appreciative to have a job in the first place. Or is waiting till he is in school too long to be out of the workforce? This is so confusing! Am I the only one?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Spider Veins and Martial Arts

Swell, just that i finally feel better (only cuz I am used to the feeling crappy and other weird body things by now) I have swelling in my feet that is so bad it has given cause to EVERYone to call me Betty Flinstone, I now have skintags all over my freakin body in the weirdest places of course and I have spider veins that look like my legs are gonna burst one day and then they are gone the next! BY THE WAY no one or no book ever says it but spider veins hurt dude-really they do like a big bad bruise!

At first the drs were concerned the swelling was preclampsia and I was in and out of the dr offices for two wks bloodwork and yada yada b/c no one has ever seen someone swell like this at such an early stage in their pregnancy unless they had gestational diabetes or preclampsia. Well well well WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

Oh yeah I can get used to this too but the good thing about these days and the Second Trimester for me...I feel my son moving. I mean no more gassy stomach aches or feeling him swim (flutters) around in there! This is real movements like specific punches to my chest or kicks to my bladder! Ergo my son is a black belt in karate already! Sometimes I will admit I ask him very nicely to stop kicking his mother but then sometimes I end up yelling at him to stop because dude it really hurts! By the way have I mentioned my pain threshold has always been pretty damn great? Yeah never screamed or even cried with the 4 spinal taps or when I broke my arm and the bone was sticking out!

Till now that is...put a 1/2 pounder the length of a carrot in your belly and see how u feel!!! I have said to well very close friends and a couple family members (for if it were anyoneelse it may have been taken the wrong way!) this kid better come out worshipping his mother and the ground she walks on! Really the most beautiful experience of my life!!

Gotta Potty

So first let me apologize for the lack in updates to the blog-been a little busy!
First things first...Had the amniocentisis (sp?) baby is fine and normal results YAY but Secondly found out I got a bladder issue. Poor baby couldn't even move around in there because my bladder was so full and not to mention they could barely see the baby. I told them I was having problems but thought it was normal pregnancy bladder isssues! They-the doctor and nurse freaked out and yes I had to be cathetirized so my bladder could be drained since I wasn't able to drain it on my own! Pleasant huh?! Since my bladder disease (IC) has kicked into full gear I now have to measure my urine in the am as if I was in my eighties or something. And then there's this little other problem well...see the next blog for more on that!
and before I go...IT'S A BOY!! YAY!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

For those of you just joining me...

Please read the previous posts in order to get a better understanding and fully grasp the reality of pregnancy-at least my pregnancy (AND LYAO)-starting with the post titled "Oh boy..."!!!!!
UPDATE: WK 15 almost thru it 2nd Trimester here I come oops I mean here WE come...
Amnio scheduled for the 26th. Nailbiting I know but if you have advice and have been thru it pls advise!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dinosaur Feet...

I wish someone would have warned me about this. I was told about everything from flatulence to stretchmarks but not this...Even your feet grow. YUP! you read that right! My feet are a complete half size bigger and still stretching/growing! The swelling I always heard was the worst but let me say this "the like athlete foot feeling of itchy hot feet is nothing compared to this and I am not on my feet all day!" I now have huge dinosaur looking feet...swollen red and larggggggggeeeeeeee...I mean large not like clown feet...I really mean it...dinosaur size!
So basically there are only two pairs of shoes left in my closet I can wear these days. AND thank God I live in Florida cuz they are flops! Guess I will have to buy some toe socks for the two cold days of the year down here but i am not buying more shoes-its bad enough I have to buy more clothes to fit my fat - - - !

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Somebody help me understand maternity clothes pUlease! Every piece of maternity clothing i look at says "nursing". So here's my question do I really wear them even if I am not nursing?
And what is up with those belly bands? Are they worth the investment? Obviously, I ALREADY fit in nothing shorts, no pants, and no tops AND YES I AM ONLY 3 MONTHS-12 WEEKS!
Oh gosh I know I know how can I decide not to breastfeed? I am ready...go ahead with the unhealthy I am going to start my baby off, etc...
I am sorry i just dont feel like I want to. AND the important word here is I...I decided...I don't want to...right?!
And btw...Hey my mother didn't breastfeed me!
10/19/09 update: since so many of you have commented to my email that I must explain instead of leaving the blog as is here goes...I have chronic lyme disease and in no way would want my worst enemy to get this illness let alone my baby and there is no solid proof that breastfeeding would not transmit to my baby. thank you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Somebody get me a freakin slushy!

Ok so I knew about cravings well I thought I knew about cravings...I guess I should say I heard about cravings. This is not can't be. I am only 11 wks and already I thought I would kill just a couple hours ago if I didn't get a freakin slush puppie. Remember those things-all the ice chunks to chomp on-yummy! Well NOT good for pregnant woman to find there is not one gas station within a 30 mile radius that freakin sells them-arghhhhhhh. Now I had to settle, mind you, for a freakin Icee (fake slurpee) SO NOT A SLUSH PUPPIE but by the time I got it all down I guess it did the trick. Except I still want a slushy! I just cant believe how seriously upset I was and how I felt. If I didn't have it seriously I was gonna die. SO is that a craving? Is that normal? Holy sheot husband better look out.
My goodness last night there was a Wendy's commercial on and it showed a Frosty...of course.. I wanted one and the sweetheart of a husband offered to drive to get me one but I said no its 930pm, its late (although they were open that late) and I just made my own Frosty with some ice cream and milk! Now lemme tell you if it was anything like I felt today with that slush puppie craving I may have greatly appreciated the fact he would do such a thing and yelled that he wasn't in the truck driving fast enough but of course I missed the opportunity didn't I?! Or did I...tbc...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Poll??

Moms please advise...Diaper Genie or Diaper Champ??? I know with the Genie you can only use their garbage bags but really which is the best at preventing odor escape? ACTUALLY MORE IMPORTANT QUESTION NOW: which is it I care more about foot pedal or which one lets more odor escape???? thanks for your help!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wk 10

Well this is super special...I am down to one day a week of nausea-YAY!! I am still really tired but hangin in there. By the way, I already had to by new clothes -wth?!
Sooo to all my mommy friends please advise: Do I really need a changing table, five different sheet sets, etc... I really love some of these learning toys but come on how much does a newborn really need or for that matter learn in first couple of months? Any and all advice regarding what to purchase would be greatly appreciated..I mean it...this time please tell me tell me...
sorry can't write anymore gotta pee AGAIN!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Here we go...

Nesting, Emotional Rollercoaster-Moodswings, Weight Gain and Water Retention, Hemorrhoids, Leg Cramps, Back Aches, Swollen Ankles, Dead Tired Exhaustion like I ran a marathon, and by no means am I completely 100% nausea free! dude I am only 9 wks and I feel every single freakin sympton- side effect -whatever you wanna call it. I finished reading Jenny McCarthy's book Belly Laughs-hahahaha-really there is some one out there other than me who has or is experiencing all of this!! AHHH! My husband doesn't believe me-at least I think he doesn't believe me-most of the time!
I can't believe that most of my shirts/blouses no longer fit..oh yeah did I mention that symptom? My boobs are already so swollen and reallllyyyy sensitive...already!
And I had to break down and buy some granny panties. Not my happiest moment ever...and said goodbye to my thongs. Don't think I will ever wear those again. Although this is the most beautiful thing a woman experiences throughout her life...I am...admittedly not there yet!
It was very special when we went to the last ultrasound! Yes I said we, my husband accompanied me on this visit and we both got to see the crazy fast heartbeat and the baby's development. That was amazing! Now I have a picture of a big tadpole, no more baby blob!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

OH we go...

First ultra sound -wow to see the heartbeat of this little tadpole growing inside of you is actually pretty crazy. I think I am still in shock! So ever worry about where you are going in your life or what you are doing here? I guess fellow 30 somethings ... I got my answer. Finally!
Really I am excited, overwhelmed and extremely nervous but welcoming this new adventure for the rest of my LIFE!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Really I am? Take another test

so let me apologize for the next 10 months to come
i am so sorry i may turn into one of those people i hated
its all about me and my pregnancy...
OK so let me back up since its been a few days and the last we spoke I was waiting on the test results.
Yup it was faint but it was positive! So I took another ....and then another and then again the next morning...
One coool thing about this is after three months of trying for real-I found out I was pregnant on my husband's 33rd birthday! Happy Birthday!
ok here's a lil bit of what it feels like on the second day of knowledge (a conversation between best friends)
so where do we start? I know there's something you want me to research today!?
lilsis: you going to make a drs appt?
me: heehee well i am only three wks or two hng on?
lilsis: oh are you supposed to wait? I thought you were supposed to make a appt immediately so they can give you a blood test and get you on prenatals? of course what do I know?
me: no they dont wanna see you till u r at least six wks but i am gonna call them this afternoon incase. i have the script already for the prenatals i have been taking them they just cost a lot so i was kinda waiting and they give me the shits! lilsis: oh! cool! see you already know all the shit
me: heehee sort of . dude did u tell your sis-in-law to start my tomato baby hat!
lilsis: I did! I sent her an email last night...lemme find the I didn't tell who it was for tho
me: kewl tx ls
lilsis: it's so damn cute isn't it?
me: maybe i cant wait that long to not tell my mom is what i am thinking! u can tell her i dont care!
lilsis: I know!!! It will be hard cause it's so exciting!!!
me: i know...well a little exciting! right now i am a little overwhelmed like mom called me and said what i wanted for christmas from the pampered chef catalog! i really wanted to say nothing because u r gonna have to help me and my broke husband buy a crib!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Two Lines?

Well with some pregnancy tests it is...two lines are good...some two lines are bad (depending how you look at it but we are trying so..) and then there are those that have x's and o's! I freakin hate this stuff. I didn't want to spend that much money on the digital pregnancy test so I got the cheaper ones at the drugstore-FIRST HINT huge mistake-which took me like two hours to review each and every package as it was. So what should have taken me ten minutes this morning to take a freakin test (pee on a stick, wait two minutes and then read) really took me 35 minutes and that was holding it in-the whole time-because they say the best urine to test from is your first morning urine. Took me like 5 minutes to get the damn test out of the foil package, another ten to like read the damn instructions again (YES I read them =like 5 or 6 times already!) and then by the time i went to pee on the stick it was like stage fright and finally....Well you bet your ass I am going back this afternoon to buy the damn digital one. First of all, some of these tests you can't even try until after your missed period date and then some you have wait like four days after that. So I bought the ones you (still cheap) can test four days before your due period date, assuming I know the expected due period date! HAHAHAH I have never been really regular so what the hell would that date be! URGHHHH i am already so frustrated with this whole thing not to mention the pressure you put on yourself...jeeeesh I just need to have a glass of wine already and calm the freak down. OH YEah thats another thing...the whole two weeks we are trying I am not drinking ya know one glass of wine or a couple of beers. Please note: if you like beer, the best NA (Non-Alcholic) beer tasting like real beer is Becks! Yes NA has become a big part of our daily marital conversation and lemme not sugar coat this for you, not for one minute, IT SUCKS! Cuz he is still smoking and drinking and you just wanna die! All this and we excuse me..I AM NOT even pregnant yet..well maybe not yet????!!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Please read...TTC

If this isn't the best lil explanation of what some of us have gone thru or feel somedays than please try to put it into better words. I love this blog!

U want me to do what?

Seriously this ovulation thing is freakin crazy complicated and so wierd! I am just sticking to those sticks u pee on and counting out from my PD (period date)
oh yeah have i mentioned there's this whole language to learn when trying to make a baby BD (lovingly also known as baby dance)! No wonder people always screwed up and just gave in to the moment!
I mean really the book of helpful hints from my doctor wants me to check my mucus FROM DOWN THERE?!?! yuck really i am 34 years old but dude there has gotta be a better way AND u think I remember to take my temperature every morning? JEESH you are lucky I remember to brush my teeth.
and then there is that book i found at the used bookstore about How to choose the sex of your baby or whatever the title is-dude some stuff was interesting i will give it that really...but some of it is so grossss! Is this all just an inkling of how nasty 9 months and childbirth are????? I am scared...