Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Somebody get me a freakin slushy!

Ok so I knew about cravings well I thought I knew about cravings...I guess I should say I heard about cravings. This is not can't be. I am only 11 wks and already I thought I would kill just a couple hours ago if I didn't get a freakin slush puppie. Remember those things-all the ice chunks to chomp on-yummy! Well NOT good for pregnant woman to find there is not one gas station within a 30 mile radius that freakin sells them-arghhhhhhh. Now I had to settle, mind you, for a freakin Icee (fake slurpee) SO NOT A SLUSH PUPPIE but by the time I got it all down I guess it did the trick. Except I still want a slushy! I just cant believe how seriously upset I was and how I felt. If I didn't have it seriously I was gonna die. SO is that a craving? Is that normal? Holy sheot husband better look out.
My goodness last night there was a Wendy's commercial on and it showed a Frosty...of course.. I wanted one and the sweetheart of a husband offered to drive to get me one but I said no its 930pm, its late (although they were open that late) and I just made my own Frosty with some ice cream and milk! Now lemme tell you if it was anything like I felt today with that slush puppie craving I may have greatly appreciated the fact he would do such a thing and yelled that he wasn't in the truck driving fast enough but of course I missed the opportunity didn't I?! Or did I...tbc...

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby. Yes, that's exactly what it's like, completely normal. One of the reasons pregnant women can get away with murder :)
